Publications, documentation
Collecte des articles de presse, recherches concernant le syndrome MYT1L
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NEW SCIENTIFIC REPORT "Lifespan in rodents with MYT1L heterozygous mutation" Allyson Schreiber, Raylynn G. Swift, Leslie Wilson, Kristen L. Kroll, Joseph D. Dougherty & Susan E. Maloney - NATURE - 10 February 2025
NEW ARTICLE "MYT1L deficiency impairs excitatory neuron trajectory during cortical development" Allen Yen, Simona Sarafinovska, Xuhua Chen, Dominic D. Skinner, Fatjon Leti, MariaLynn Crosby, Jessica Hoisington-Lopez, Yizhe Wu, Jiayang Chen, Zipeng A. Li, Kevin K. Noguchi, Robi D. Mitra & Joseph D. Dougherty - NATURE- 27 November 2024
CASE REPORT "Complex Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Patient with a Novel De Novo Heterozygous MYT1L Variant" Silas Yip, Kristina Calli, Ying Qiao, Brett Trost, Stephen W. Scherer and M. E. Suzanne Lewis - MDPI - 24 November 2023
CLINICAL COMMENTARY "MYT1L variant inherited by a mosaic father in a case of severe developmental and epileptic encephalopathy" Silvia Boeri, Marcello Scala, Francesca Madia, Francesca Perucco, Diego Vozzi, Valeria Capra, Federico Zara, Lino Nobili, Maria Margherita Mancardi - EPILEPTIC DISORDERS - July 2023
"Overexpression of OLIG2 and MYT1L Transcription Factors Enhance the Differentiation Potential of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Oligodendrocytes", Ifrah Fahim and al - MDPI, published 7 May 2023
" 2p25.3 microduplications involving MYT1L: further phenotypic characterization through an assessment of 16 new cases and a literature review", Malek Bouassida et al - European Journal of Human Genetics, published on line : may 15, 2023
"MYT1L is required for suppressing earlier neuronal development programs in the adult mouse brain", Jiayang Chen et al - Genome Research, published on line : April 26, 2023
"MYT1L haploinsufficiency in human neurons and mice causes autism-associated phenotypes that can be reversed by genetic and pharmacologic intervention", Moritz Mall et al - Molecular Psychiatry, Nature, published on line : 14 february 2023
Jiayang Chen, Allen Yen , Colin P. Florian and Joseph D. Dougherty, Translational Psychiatry (www.nature.com), 2022-07-22
Markus Wöhr, Wendy M. Fong6, Justyna A. Janas6, Moritz Mall6, Christian Thome6 , Madhuri Vangipuram6 , Lingjun Meng6, Thomas C. Südhof and Marius Wernig6, Molecular Autism, 2022
Article de presse : "Cluster of traits tied to rare mutations in autism-linked gene", by Anna Goshua, 20/12/ 2021, Spectrum
Article de presse "Jake’s mice: Searching for answers to the puzzle of autism", by Laura Unga, January 2, 2022
Article de commentaire : Unraveling the mysteries of MYT1L: From reprogramming factor to multifaceted regulator of neuronal differentiation
Aniket Bhattacharya and M. Chiara Manzini, décembre 2021, Neuron
!! UP DATE A THE END (2024) A MYT1L Syndrome mouse model recapitulates patient phenotypes and reveals altered brain development due to disrupted neuronal maturation
Jiayang Chen et al, décembre 2021, Neuron
A.M. Guerrot, J. Coursimault, F. Lecoquierre et al, novembre 2021, Human Genetics
Isabelle C Windheuser et al, February 2020, American Journal of Medical Genetics
Blanchet et al., 2017, Plos Genetics
Nina De Rocker et al, June 2015, Genetics in Medicine
Maria Clara Bonaglia, Roberto Giorda and Sergio Zanini, 2014, Molecular Cytogenetics
Thomas Vierbuchen et al, 2010, Nature
Kim et al, 1997, Neuroscience Research
📍 Novel member of the zinc finger superfamily: a C(2)-HC finger that recognizes a glia-specific gene
Kim, J. G., Hudson, L. D, 1992, Medical Genetics